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Brightblack Morning Light

Brightblack Morning Light


Every time I listen to this CD it gets better and better, and for the reason my good friend Matt said, this really is the perfect morning CD. It sounds like nothing less than the sun coming up in the morning, specifically in sunny California somewhere I’d say. I think I say that cause there is one sound in all this that doesn’t seem to get mentioned in the reviews I’ve read, and I think thats one of a 70’s funk sound, just slowed down about 100 paces perhaps. These guys are real ‘hippies’, without making some crappy hippie music, if that makes any sense. Best way to describe them I guess is that droney light atmospheric spacey sound of Spiritualized, mixed with that slow tempo 70’s funk, some light jazz, and even a little blaxploitation film scores sounds in there. Such a strange mix, but yet again, very original, a real grower, and just a beautiful wake up call of an album if there ever was one.

“Closer to a band of gypsies than any group Hendrix ever conjured, Brightblack Morning Light understand the responsibility that comes with playing off-the-red folk-blues that pitter-patters down the sidewalk like a paranoid goose-stepper. The Southerners-turned-Sanfranciscans whisper more than shout, but they know how to demand attention. Let this self-titled debut steep in its own warm juices for a spell; you’ll see. The porno horns bleating through the misty ten-minutes-plus maze of “Star Blanket River Child” are the first sign of expansion. From there, an ever-widening chasm of ghostly chants, swamp-water rhythms, rusty trombones, hand-drum swats, and low-in-the-mix guitar swipes will swallow you whole.” – Tiny Mix Tapes

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