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       of the year



Myth Takes


“Here it is, then: the soundtrack to your summer house party par excellence, signed, sealed and delivered a good few months early just ‘cause it’s that good. Get your dancing practice in now – come the longest days of the year you’ll be wearing many a sole down to Myth Takes. You’ll be sitting on the bus, in front of the telly, on a park bench, at your mother-in-law’s, it doesn’t matter – you’ll dance to these songs like you’ve never danced to any band with guitars – gasp! – before. Pump the first ten minutes of Myth Takes into any club in the country, in any backwater town full of squaddie fucks and fuck-about forty-somethings, and the floor will go crazy.” – Drowned in Sound

“Of all the dance-punk revivalists, !!! has been the most consistently interesting and challenging, not to mention the group most likely to fill the dancefloor on indie rock night. Not too many bands even in heyday of the initial wave of dance-punk released records as full of energy, intelligence, and ferocious funk as this.” – All Music Guide

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