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       of the year

“People of Earth. How are you?” One year ago my intention was to finally write my own album reviews instead of just posting snippets of those from “professional critics”. However big events crossed my path and I simply didn’t have the time as I had intended. But it’s a new year, with even less time it seems – so why not start now? I should keep this intro short as you have a lot of reading to do (and listening as I’ve added an MP3 of a highlight from each album!), so get to it. As always, some great music was released this year. Granted, my favorite album this year was not only musically wonderful, but it also had a pretty profound emotional impact on me due to these changes from the past year. But that’s why it’s MY list! Anyway, hopefully someone finds something new to explore. Thanks for reading this labor of love. Enjoy, and drive with aloha …


Beady Eye

Different Gear, Still Speeding


Liam Gallagher seems to be one of those public figures that people just love to hate on, like say Courtney Love or Lindsay Lohan or people like that – no matter what they do artistically, they aren’t given a fair shake. Beady Eye’s Different Gear, Still Speeding seemed to be basically panned before it’s release just because of the very existence of Mr Gallagher, and for the most part it’s completely unfair. YES – it’s true, much of this album is not original in the truest sense of the word, and at times it’s possible that Liam & Co could be accused of out and out thievery. But that is rock & roll my friend, so if you try your best to put aside any and all prejudices and take it for what it is, what becomes apparent is these gents can write a top tune. To go from the Oasis days of ‘Live Forever’ and ‘Wonderwall’ to Beady Eye’s Motown stomp of ‘Bright the Light’ and the 60’s jangle of ‘The Roller’, despite still being in the same very general genre of Beatles-influenced rock, it’s still a welcome and exciting change for this band that is basically Oasis sans Noel. And after listening to Noel’s solo album which was also released this year, I beg to differ with the majority of the public and say say without out any doubt that it’s Liam and his band who know how to produce the memorable rock songs – no matter how unoriginal they may be. How on Earth anyone can say with a straight face that any song on Noel’s sad dad-rock album (which I do actually like) could stand next to a song as gorgeously orchestrally pop as ‘The Beat Goes On’ is beyond me. And did Noel write a line as wonderful “It isn’t the end of the world, oh no! / It’s not even the end of the day”? The answer is NO! So get with it and give this album and Liam the fare shot they deserve. After a few listens I think you will be agreeing with me – this album is the tits!

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