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       of the year

So it’s come to this has it? A year of music so good that for the first time I came close to wishing albums would stop being made, as anything new coming out will surely distract and take away time from enjoying the fantastic albums that came out already. I feel bombarded with so much good music, yet time to listen slowly dissolving away (as evidenced by my balding head). Granted, it’s very true that I may not branch out as much as one could, and the most frustrating part is half of what I am into based on this post (and my runners-up post next week) may look like I do nothing but wait for Pitchfork’s daily reviews to guide me on my way musically. Rest assured, that is not the case, and just merely a coincidence. Most of the times I’ve done these posts I’ve just said “HERE! This is where’s it’s at – and listen to this other person tell you why!”. Last year, I took the time to write up my own reviews (who’d a thunk it?), but after looking at my blog stats I saw that it really didn’t reach many people. Your loss! So instead of making this feel like a chore left unnoticed this year by writing relatively long reviews that would fall on deaf ears, I would simplify. In the end, let the music speak for itself, eh? Well, for the most part. So, here you go, my favorite albums of the year. I guess technically they are what I consider to be “the best”, but by saying that it means these then have to be put in some sort of order, and quantified some way. But I really can’t do that. Depending on the mood of the day, each one of these albums is “the best” at one time or another, so really out of all the albums I’ve listened to over the past year, these are my go to albums – my favorites – my “desert island discs” of sorts. I’ve shared one track from each album as well, songs that I think not only represent what is great about the entire album, but what may spark an interest in you to checking out the whole thing, because to me they are all worth your time and quite rewarding indeed. Enjoy with aloha, and as always, turn it WAY the hell up, and for crying out loud use headphones. Laptop speakers = death.



A is for Alpine


Hailing from Melbourne, Alpine are a big deal in their home country of Australia these days, and most rightly so. I first heard of their music through their video for single ‘Hands’, a hazy, nostalgic Sofia Coppola inspired clip involving young girls writhing around in their unmentionables in some sort of licking orgy. Yup, you read that right. Go ahead, take a break and check out the video and then come back. OK, you’re back, welcome! To balance the perviness, the song is pure pop; bright, addictive, polished, yet very disjointed and basic. They almost remind me of The xx in some weird way, using quiet and spaciousness, but in a loud, semi-rocking mid-tempo sort of way. Then the vocals of the two female leads only add to the interesting mix, sounding like a full choir of young women enjoying hits off a helium tank. Adventurous without being overbearing, it’s beauty lies in it’s simplicity, allowing the listener to make up their own mind if the music is rocking out, or perhaps taking it slow – it’s all in the ears of the beholder. No matter the pace you’re in, this album has the ability to fit right in to your day at any given moment, and although it may take a few listens to sink in, as it did for me, it’s well worth giving it the time it deserves. However, the song I’m sharing here, ‘Gasoline’, is probably my favorite song of the year, and won’t take any time to infect you. When I first heard it, it immediately took me back to my visits to both Australia and New Zealand. Sunny, fresh, clean, crisp and snapping like new fallen snow, it’s insanely catchy and full of bright smiles. A real gem of a pop song. Hopefully these guys and gals will take off here, they are certainly deserving of more attention.

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