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August 31, 2024

Strange Darling

Screened at Mary Pickford Theater, Cathedral City, California.

Strange Darling is nearly outstanding. And yet, a perfect example of why in my reviews (still trying to find the right word for what it is that I write), I try not to get into plot details too heavily, and if I can, avoid them at all costs. I tend to elaborate more on my passion, or lack of for a film, and hopefully that motivates one to check it out to see if it's a worthwhile experience for them as well - even if they don't like a film I loved, for example.

Following advice, I went to see Strange Darling knowing absolutely nothing about it. No plot, no trailer, no reviews, absolutely nothing. The film's leads I still to this moment have no idea who they are. Apparently they're recognizable, but I had the benefit of ignorance in this case. All I knew was the film's title, and I saw the poster from afar. After now having seen it, I am 100% convinced that the advice was absolutely correct in this case: do everything you can to go into this film knowing absolutely nothing.

Now it's almost cliché to say that, because most reviews I've seen on YouTube at least have all said in one way or another to "go in as blindly as possible." Due to a terrible marketing campaign (or simply no budget) this release truly came out of nowhere for most. As a result, people almost have no choice but to go in "blind," and simply rely on word of mouth, and now that's become the advice. It's a darn shame, because "in the old days" films would be given time to breathe and find their audience. You know, providing a chance after investing a lot of time, talent and money into them. That is rarely the case nowadays - if it's not a massive hit on the first weekend, it's basically done for - and just sad because of all the utter crap that is clogging our cinemas currently. Strange Darling deserves attention because it would definitely find its audience if given a fair shot. Guaranteed.

But is it for YOU? That is an important question that deserves answering. Most descriptions I've seen have called this a thriller, but I would say it's a blend of both thriller and horror, perhaps at a 60/40 clip. As for the horror, there is gory violence, but I wouldn't go as far as to say graphic. One of the highlights for me was how this film consistently defied expectations. Its fresh ideas and perspectives contribute so much to its success, and I will say that - with the goal of getting you to see this - even when there were moments when I thought in terms of tone and levels of violence that "OK, I don't think this film is for me" - it defied those expectations, too.

It's truly so hard to say much of anything, but having seen the trailer now after the fact, I am so incredibly grateful not to have seen it beforehand. You don't need that marketing to get you there, you need THIS marketing to get you there - word of mouth. It is NOT a perfect film, I actually left the theater having simply enjoyed it. But in short time I came to love it, including its imperfections, because this is a true passion project coming from a sincere place, and so much - most of it - gets it right. It's smart, it's clever, it's unique, it's fun, it's gorgeous, it's funny, it's tense, it's mysterious, it's smart, and holy shit the lead performances.

THIS is how to save cinema. No wonder the cinemas have no clue.

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