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A George Takei Christmas.

Everybody loves George Takei these days – he’s even got 3.2 million followers on Facebook – so many it inspired him to write the new book “Oh Myyy! : My Life on the Internet” about his time spent on Facebook. Thankfully we have the King of All Media, Mr Howard Stern, for starting the Takei resurgence many years ago – almost a decade ago in fact – a fact Mr Takei acknowledges every time he is back on the show. Since Stern’s move to Sirius Satellite Radio in 2006, Mr Takei joins the cast live on the air for a week at a time about three times a year. It’s always unannounced to the listeners – we just turn on the radio on Monday morning and there he is, and he fits right in with the humor and complete honesty of the show. Kind of like when innocent 30 Rock viewers who go to see the “sweet” Tracy Jordan doing stand-up, and instead get TracyMorgan in all his unbridled glory, Mr Takei on the Stern Show is a brutally honest man with a wicked sense of humor, yet just as kind, innocent and good-natured as most know him as. In the spirit of the holidays, I present these very short parodies of Christmas ditties which should reflect these aspects of Mr Takei quite brazenly. The first first is a take on ‘White Christmas’, and in the second clip he sings ‘lovingly’ about his husband Brad with a take on ‘Jingle Bells’. Yes, this is very childish, and a tad crass, but we all need a laugh, and who better to bring that to us than George Takei?! Enjoy your holidays!


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