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Back to Twin Peaks, Washington

If any year was going to be ideal to head back to the Twin Peaks Festival, it was certainly this year when the show made its return after 25 years. It was held as always in Snoqualmie and North Bend, Washington at the end of July, with typically perfect Pacific Northwest summer weather and excellent company, from cast and producers, to 300 fellow Twin Peaks who were the nicest, coolest, sweetest and most laid back group of people I've been lucky enough to spend time with. Check out further snapshots by clicking the picture of my good friend Lesley, myself, and Ms Sherilyn Fenn, aka Audrey Horne from the show, and countless other film and TV appearances. As well, full disclaimer, there are one or two photos here that are borrowed from other attendees, as they were just too good not to share.


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