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Films of the Year 2019

You may notice the reviews within are quite lacking in substance, and certainly quality, and this is true, and by design. Who cares really what The Daily Ghost thinks, right? No one needs my blubbering or anyone else's really: JUST GIVE THEM RECOMMENDATIONS AND LET THEM DECIDE WHERE TO GO WITH THEM. Plus, I just didn't have enough time to get too crazy with these this year. "Too crazy" would of course mean adding just a few more sentences, but I humbly digress.

At the same time you'll also notice there's only 9 films here. This is NOT by design. If a film ended up in the A grade range during the year, it's in the tops of the year for me. If it didn't, oh well. Only nine films were up to snuff in 2019. Could have been less, could have been more. That's up to YOU, Hollyweird. I refuse to throw a film in the coveted spot just to have a "normal top 10 list." Screw that.


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