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Gary, Indiana rocks. And rolls.

I've only listened to these tracks once, but to the ears of this aging fellow, I found them very intriguing. The band name alone of Gary, Indiana was what got me curious, but I really wasn't expecting this, nor was it I expecting it to be something I would like. The reason for that is - again, AGING - I still try to listen to as much new music as possible but the old sentiment of "heard it all before" rings more true on each new album I check out. Some still break through - enough for a healthy-sized albums of the year post - but that's only because I'm listening to more, desperate to find something refreshing. This one - restoring my faith in people to still be creative and breaking new ground - feels really refreshing.

Now, I only listened once, and yes it left enough of an impression that it has me posting about it before fully digesting what I heard - and fairly. Maybe on second listen I'll feel instead "what was I thinking???" But that's part of this experi-ment/-ence! Join the fun. So anyway - even though these tracks sound nothing like this artist - my first thought was "This must have been what it was like to hear Siouxsie & The Banshees for the first time in the late 70's."

Again, maybe it was a false first impression, and maybe I'll end up despising it. But that experience of still finding something exciting enough to want to share - that's what it's all about, right?


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