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"I take care of my kids!"

"My family voted for Trump. He threw us under the bus anyway," reads the headline quoting Georgia's Republican Secretary of State.

No sympathy, bruh. Good on you for doing the right thing, which you were supposed to do ("You're SUPPOSED to take care of your kids!" - Chris Rock), but you also get what you pay for, right? You voted for abuse, just of others. Now you're surprised it happened to you? Dear Leader is pretty clear on what he's selling so this is some serious sour grapes action coming out of your mouth.

At the end of the day, you're still subservient to Trump. You won't even say his name here out of fear of retribution ("a losing presidential campaign refused to accept the facts"). Try to lead by example, and perhaps you'll become a leader yourself, if you only had the guts to fully unchain yourself from this red mirage.


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