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The Best Albums of 2018

PORTLAND, OR - I rarely buy gifts for people anymore during the holiday season, unless you're someone's super cute kid and I just can't help myself. I guess that's all part of getting older. You don't want gifts, nor do you want to give them. Being alive still is gift enough.

However, my annual Albums of the Year list is my gift to you, and one that keeps on giving month after month. It may not look like it, and I can understand that, but a lot of time and work goes into this darn thing every year. And every year I can see how many actually check out this beautiful gift - which includes a playlist, thank you very much - and it ain't pretty. But I view it like when some random aunt or someone you're "lucky" to see maybe once a year, likely during the holidays, and she buys you a pack of 12 tube socks and all you can think is "yeah, happy holidays, I guess?" So do with this what you will, and remember Santa is watching and WILL know what you will do. But seriously (Phil Collins), if you're looking for some tunes to brighten this weird, bizarre, shitty year that is 2018, then click here and get ready for some aural paradise. Happy Holidaze to you and yours!


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