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The return of Insides

SEATTLE, Washington - Most people who pay any attention to the “music scene” - and yes the “scene” is something different to every person - are probably aware of how many bands, from the late 80’s/early 90s specifically, have reformed over the past few years. It’s shocking that my favorite band - Slowdive - will have completed their 6th year of Mach 2 come January. This run is now longer than their first - the one that began a demand for their return, and one the rumor mills say isn’t even close to being finished.

Other reformations ranged from Ride to the short return run from Chapterhouse, but the one that has surprised me the most is Insides. Originally on 4AD off-shoot label Guernica, which released their first two albums including the still bedazzling little oddity ‘Euphoria’ in 1993, Insides is a unique vision, even amongst the albums released during the early years of the “alternative” movement. Have a listen, and though lovely, it’s easy to understand they are an acquired taste. It’s also easy to see their minimalism’s influence on modern day bands including The xx, Low and loads more that followed in their footsteps, and whose names I can’t remember right now.

Not sure how full-fledged a reunion this is going to be, but even just this little live video is more than we could have dreamed of just months ago. Have a look and listen, maybe something there for you. Or not. Give it a shot?


Boo xx


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