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VIDEO PREMIERE Collapsing Scenery x Kansas Bowling

SEATTLE, WA - The world has a strange way of bringing people together sometimes, and that's certainly the case for director Kansas Bowling and, well, what is slowly becoming what one could call the "Bowling Universe." My story alone of getting connected with Ms Bowling is ... well actually it's probably interesting to just me, so I'll save you the time.

Kansas' universe could be an acquired taste right now - but like all artists, she's finding her audience, and it will be interesting to see the next stages of her film career (directing? acting?). For now, there's something alluring there, what feels to me like a sun-baked California take on John Waters, for the next generation.

WAIT! BEFORE YOU GO! Check out the trailer below for Kansas' debut feature, B.C. Butcher, for Troma Entertainment


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