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Well Good Bangers № I

№ I


Yes, bangers. "Bangers." I'm not using that "ironically." More a mocking, with love. I mean I get it, I'm old, and this word is already "over," but that's part of the fun. In fact, making fun of "bangers" is already over, too. This whole god damn thing is already "sooooo two hours ago," but I shall press on, for my generation, of the X variety. The MTV Generation. The worst generation.

Anyway, maybe once a week. But let's be honest, probably once a month at best. The when doesn't matter though. It's how damn good it is when it does happen. New tracks I'm speaking of. Good ones. New ones. Bangers. Well good ones.

There is some seriously cheesy 80s synth pop melodrama going on in these new tracks and for whatever reason I'm feeling every second of it. What say you?

This is the first time for me hearing Foster the People. I'm heard the name a few times but it reeked of that sad, earthy, folk trend of late which destroys any sense of excitement left in these old, aging bones. Luckily - at least in this ONE track - they are not that.

xx A.A.


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